ASIST Students Complete Their Internship Program

Mon, 09/02/2024 - 13:15

Over the years, the DA-ATI-RTC-CAR has always been accommodating interns from different universities, and from July 13 to August 16, 2024, the Institute accommodated six (6) BSA Major in Agricultural Extension interns from Abra State Institute of Science and Technology (ASIST) and now University of Abra (UA). The orientation was undertaken last July 12, 2024 and the closing ceremony was held on August 19, 2024.

Finishing their required time for On-Job-Training of two hundred forty hours (240), the institute conducted a closing program where the interns presented their insights, reflections, learnings, and practical applications. All the interns reported that they appreciated the learnings they gained during their internship program, specifically in facilitating training and some technical operations on Excel, PowerPoint, and video editing. These gained skills and learnings, will be their edge as they apply for their future professions.

After the presentations from the interns, feedback from the different section heads and representatives was given. Different pieces of advice, observations, and points for improvement were given to the interns. Moreover, certificates were awarded to the interns as an expression of appreciation for their work and dedication. In addition, three best-performing interns were given a certificate of recognition as evaluated by the section heads and representatives per section namely, Mr. Angelo Almeda, Mr. Mark Angelo Cabalar, and Ms. Jherry Ann Basis, respectively.

"Never be the last to discover the first and first to discover the last", TCD Charlie C. Sagudan started his message with this quote, encouraging the interns to change the AFE landscape in Abra and to be partners of ATI. He also, highlighted the importance of agricultural extension workers, especially that ATI-RTC-CAR has a little difficulty extending interventions to Abra since they have limited AEW and unfilled positions.

Furthermore, the closing remarks were delivered by Maximino R. Aromin Jr. TCS I and the program ended with grace and blessings from the Almighty, led by Ms. Jherry Ann Basis.//with reports from Ms. Rosiano L. Padoyao, Administrative Support Staff, PMEU
