ATI-Cordillera with BAFS Extend Support to Our Farmers Haven (OFH)

Fri, 05/24/2024 - 15:11

Under Republic Act No. 11511, the ATI is mandated to provide technical assistance through mentoring activities to OA groups intending to apply for OA Certification and Accreditation under the Participatory Guarantee System (PGS). Thus, on May 13-17, 2024, Mr. Edwin Dicksen, the OA Focal Person of the ATI-Cordillera extended his services as an observer during the Inspection of the Five Core PGS Group of Our Farmers Haven (OFH). 

However, during the actual Inspection, Mr. Edwin Dicksen and Mr. Jay Sagario, a staff from the DA-RFO Regulatory Division respectively acted as inspectors during the activity due to the limited manpower of BAFS to perform the Inspection of the Core PGS members. With the knowledge and skills of the aforementioned staff and as members of the Regional Pre-Assessment Team (RPAT), the activity was satisfactorily conducted.

The Farms Inspected were the following:

  1. COF Creek Organic Farm at Mocgo, Sagubo, Kapangan, Benguet
  2. Comedown Farm at Timoc, Sagubo, Kapangan, Benguet
  3. Toda Organic Farm at Daldal, Lengaoan, Buguias, Benguet
  4. LCA Farm at Sipitan, Dalipey, Bakun, Bengeut
  5. Brylyner Organic Farm at Bodehew, Daclan, Tublay, Benguet

As a result of the Inspection, some of the commendable findings were the following:

  • The farmer applicants were recognized to be actual practitioners of organic farming.
  • Their practices are sustainable with the continuous application of organic farming technologies and practices that are based and approved under the Philippine National Standards (PNS) for Organic Agriculture (OA).
  • The farmer applicants are practicing biodiversity/crop diversification, integrated farming systems, crop rotation, and intercropping among others.
  • Some Core Members have organized and traceable farm records.
  • Some Core Members have good farm layout with proper signages and labels.

The Major and minor observations were also noted, as follows:

  • The results of water analysis of all the Core Member applicants contains high microbial contaminants (e.g. E.coli, Salmonella, etc.).
  • Inconsistencies of some farm records (dates, amount/quantity of inputs applied, inventory of seed stocks, ORs, sales receipts, and farm activities among others).
  • Used Fermented Plant Juice (FPJ) given by DA-RFO with no records of the source/manufacturer.
  • Lack of farm records.
  • None, if not lack of protocols (seed washing, composting, compost tea, concoctions, biosecurity, treatment of sick animals, disposal of dead animals, etc.)
  • Lack of buffer-zones.
  • Lack of labels and signages

In addition, the following observations were also noted:

  • Six (6) unopened packs of imported nutrient enhancer were found in one of the organic farms inspected.
  • Unused bottles of Fermented Plant Juice (FPJ) given by DA-RFO were found within the organic farms.

On May 17, 2024, Friday, the DA-RFO required the Core PGS Group to convene at the OFH Office, San Jose, La Trinidad, Benguet for the completion of their Correction and Corrective Action Plan (CCAP). The ATI, PLGU and OFH staff were also requested to provide technical assistance to the Core Members in the analysis of root causes, and provide appropriate correction and corrective action to the findings made by BAFS. The Team provided recommendable solutions, corrections and corrective actions to all the findings and submitted/sent to BAFS Accreditation Section for proper review/action.

Likewise, Mr. Dicksen shared the technologies on water filtration systems to address the issue on water contamination. Also, provided some insights on farm records keeping, protocols on seed washing, composting, compost tea making, and preparation of concoctions among others. The Core farmer-applicants expressed their thanks and gratitude to ATl-CAR, DA-RFO and PLGU-Benguet for their support during and after the inspection.

In conclusion, the team recommended for the Core PGS Group of OHF to:

  1. Update their farm records, and establish a systematic and orderly recording of organic farming activities, and protocols.
  2. Install their water filtration systems and collect samples for analysis if necessary.
  3. Enhance their buffer zones.
  4. Be ready to provide appropriate answer/s to issues/concerns pertaining to the CCAP if partially accepted or not accepted.
  5. Prepare their individual documents (application form, farm location map, farm layout, training certificates, POC Certificate, Self-Review Form, and Declaration of Conflict of Interest among others) in preparation for Accreditation as an Organic Certifying Body (OCB).
  6. Apply for accreditation as an Organic Certifying Body after the issuance of a Participatory Organic Certificate (POC) to the five Core PGS Group.

//With report from Mr. Edwin C. Dicksen
