ATI-Cordillera Extends Knowledge on Urban Home Gardening and Home Composting Technologies to La Trinidad Farmers and Fisherfolks

Mon, 05/27/2024 - 17:05

In observance of the Farmers' and Fisherfolks' Month this May, the Local Government Unit (LGU) of La Trinidad, through its Municipal Agriculture Office, organized a skills Training cum Capability Activities with Urban Home Gardeners, the Rural Improvement Club (RIC), and the 4-H Club (Agri-Youth Entrepreneurs) as the participants. Part of their activities was a session focused on Urban Home Gardening and Home Composting Technologies to support and empower urban agriculture enthusiasts. Supporting this endeavor, the ATI-RTC-CAR extended its expertise through the Partnership and Accreditation Service (PAS) which served as the technical expert on urban agriculture on May 21, 2024 at the Municipal Gymnasium, La Trinidad, Benguet. The activity was part of the long month celebration of Farmers’ and Fisherfolks month.

This initiative reflects LGU-La Trinidad's commitment to fostering agricultural skills and sustainability within the community, celebrating the vital contributions of farmers and fisherfolks, and encouraging urban residents to actively participate in agriculture.

During the activity, topics highlighted were edible landscaping – integrating food-producing plants into ornamental landscapes, aimed to transform traditional lawns and decorative gardens into functional, productive spaces Principles and practices of edible landscaping, including plant selection, design techniques, and maintenance strategies were introduced to the participants. Participants have enthusiastically embraced this approach, recognizing its potential to enhance the aesthetic appeal of urban areas while promoting sustainable food production. An integral topic not to miss out on is the Container Gardening technique – which emerged as a popular choice for urban dwellers with limited space. Emphasis on points to consider in selecting suitable containers, choosing appropriate soil mixes, and cultivating a wide range of crops in containers. Demonstration and practical examples were shown taking into consideration the versatility of container gardening, it empowers individuals and communities to grow fresh produce on balconies, patios, and rooftops, thereby maximizing the use of available space and promoting self-sufficiency. Container gardening can be re-positioned and arranged vertically which represents an innovative solution for maximizing growing area in constrained urban environments. The resource person introduced to the participants various vertical gardening techniques, such as trellising, wall-mounted planters, and vertical hydroponic systems. Through proper organization of the plants, one can optimize land utilization, increase crop yields, and enhance urban greenery, contributing to a more sustainable and resilient food system.

Another technique in urban gardening is the use of hydroponics. However, this technique requires ingenuity and a bit of budgetary requirements in putting up the system. Hydroponics offers a soil-less method of cultivating plants, particularly suitable for urban settings with limited land availability. The training sessions on hydroponic principles, equipment setup, nutrient management, and crop cultivation techniques were been the focus of discussions.

Ending the session was a topic on composting technologies. Highlighted advantages were on the environmental and economic, including waste reduction and soil fertility enhancement. The methods of composting were also significantly tackled such as traditional composting, vermicomposting, and bokashi composting. Materials for composting were labeled off the participants such as suitable materials for composting, including kitchen scraps, garden waste, and other organic matter. A detailed step-by-step process of setting up and maintaining a compost system at home was also discussed in this topic.// with reports from Ms. Perla Epie, DMO I.
