ATI-RTC-CAR Conducts Community Needs Assessment (CNA)

Thu, 05/11/2023 - 14:07

Extension is guided by the principle of working with its clients starting with what they know and have. In this way, there is a better assessment and analysis of issues, needs, problems, opportunities, and available resources which is important in the identification of appropriate interventions. Hence, ATI-RTC-CAR developed the Community Needs Assessment Course under the Training Program on the Enhancement of Extension Delivery for the AEWs.

Ms. Betty Listino, a Senior Consultant of the Pansigedan Advocay Cooperative (PAC) and a development advocate served as the Resource Person for this training. She emphasized that analyzing need is like looking at an iceberg – we can only see a small part at the surface, but underneath is a bigger one. It is more than answering β€œwhat just happened” because there is more to something than meets the eye. There is a need to dig deeper on patterns, structures and mental models which answers the questions: β€œwhat has been happening, what policies, laws, physical structures influence the patterns and what are the mindsets, values and assumptions.”

Methods and tools on CNA were discussed and practiced. Amidst the advances in technology, the transect walk is still one of the important CNA tools because the extension worker will develop a closer relationship with the community and will have a first-hand observation of the situation and features serving as an entry-point or springboard for more in-depth analysis.

Farmers wheel

Also, one innovative CNA tool that was developed by Ms. Listino herself is the Farmers’ Wheel. This is a radial map that combines hazard map, seasonal calendar, cropping calendar, problems, coping mechanisms and strategic solution. If done properly with the aid of good facilitation skills, the output of the Farmers’ Wheel at a glance provides you with a clear picture of the situation of a group or community, their problems and what they intend to do.

β€œDo not underestimate simple things...” said Ms. Listino referring to the use of the Farmers’ Wheel as a package of CNA.

This training was conducted on April 18-20, 2023, in Tabuk City, Kalinga completed by 30 AEWs from Kalinga, Apayao and Mt. Province.
