Evaluating the Impact of School-on-the-Air on Smart Rice Agriculture program in Abra

Fri, 09/08/2023 - 11:17

The School-on-the-Air on Smart Rice Agriculture is an innovative program aimed at improving rice farming techniques and increasing agricultural productivity. In an effort to assess the impact of this program, the Agricultural Training Institute-RTC-CAR conducted an evaluation from August 22-25, 2023. The study aimed to determine the effectiveness of the program and make an informed decision about its continuation.

The evaluation involved conducting one-on-one interviews with enrollees from various municipalities in Abra. Led by Mr. Maximino R. Aromin Jr., the OIC Training Center Superintendent I of the Agricultural Training Institute, the team evaluated the performance of the School-on-the-Air on Smart Rice Agriculture program.

The evaluation was conducted in the following municipalities: San Isidro, Pidigan, Bangued, Lagayan, La Paz, Lagangilang, San Juan, Boliney, Manabo, Villaviciosa, and San Quintin. Each municipality had 14-16 randomly selected enrollees participating in the evaluation.

The primary objective of the evaluation was to determine whether the School-on-the-Air on Smart Rice Agriculture program was effective in achieving its intended outcomes. The evaluation aimed to assess the impact on farmers' knowledge and implementation of improved rice farming techniques as well as their overall agricultural productivity.

The evaluation focused on several key aspects, including the enrollees' understanding and adoption of smart rice agriculture practices and the application of new technologies. The team sought feedback from the enrollees regarding the effectiveness and relevance of the program materials, the quality of training provided, and the overall usefulness of the program in their daily farming practices.

Overall, the result of this evaluation will serve as a crucial foundation for the decision-makers involved in determining the future of the SOA-SRA program. If the evaluation indicates positive outcomes, there is a high possibility of program continuation, ensuring the continuity of knowledge transfer and sustainable agriculture practices among participants. Conversely, if the evaluation reveals shortcomings, appropriate measures can be taken to address them or consider an alternative course of action. //Roosel Fevy Joy D. Balolong, ASIST-Abra Intern, BSA Major in Agricultural Extension.

