ATI-Cordillera Completes its Technical Briefing on Malusog Rice and Balanced Fertilization Strategy

Thu, 11/09/2023 - 14:15

LA TRINIDAD, BENGUET – The Regional Training Center of the Agricultural Training in the Cordillera Administrative Region (ATI-RTC-CAR), in partnership with the DA’s Philippine Rice Research Institute (DA-PhilRice) has completed the series of Technical Briefings on the Golden Rice and Balanced Fertilization Strategy. A total of 91 farmers were informed regarding the newly developed rice variety and the balanced fertilization strategy to encourage farmers to judiciously use organic and inorganic fertilizers to attain higher yields.

Experts from PhilRice-Isabela served as the resource persons about Golden Rice – its registration, variety lines, how it was made, agronomic characteristics, cooking techniques, its deployment and consumptions. The Malusog Rice is developed through genetic engineering by the Department of Agriculture-Philippine Rice Research Institute in partnership with the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) to contain additional levels of beta-carotene, which the body converts into vitamin A. Also, Malusog Rice can provide up to 50 percent of the estimated average requirement (EAR) for vitamin A of young children, the age group most susceptible to VAD in the Philippines. The Malusog rice has undergone careful study by experts in science and has passed the tests conducted by the Food Standards Australia New Zealand, Health Canada, and the United States Food and Drug Administration.

The beta carotene in Malusog Rice, which was made possible by the addition of two new enzymes, is identical to the beta-carotene found in green leafy and yellow-colored vegetables, orange-colored fruit, and even in many vitamin supplements and food ingredients. Like ordinary rice, the Malusog Rice does not require any special cultivation practices, and generally has the same yield and agronomic performance.

On balanced fertilization strategy, Mr. Edwin Dicksen, the ATI-RTC-CAR’s Focal Person on Organic Agriculture said that due to the increase in fertilizer prices, the Department of Agriculture launched the Balanced Fertilization Strategy (BFS) Program. BFS recommends the use of combined organic and inorganic inputs and other forms of strategy to attain the maximum potential of farmlands while promoting balanced fertilization in maintaining soil fertility. The said strategy applies the concept of the 4Rs in fertilization: Right Source, Right Placement, Right Amount, and Right Rate to help enhance soil health and productivity, prevent the decline in soil fertility, and improve fertilizer availability and costs. As an organic agriculture advocate, much of his discussions focused on organic fertilizers.  He said that inorganic fertilizers are the primary source of nutrients for plant growth while organic fertilizer improves soil properties (biological, physical and chemical). He said one source of organic fertilizers is broad leaves because these are high in nitrogen content. The general procedure is to chop and soak the broad leaves in cold water for 12-24 hrs. Simmer for 5-10 minutes. Blender the materials and pound. The dosage is 1 part is to 3-5 parts water and spray. Plant Juice can also be a good source of Nitrogen and Fermented Fruit Juice as good source of Potassium.

The four batches of Technical Briefings were conducted on the following schedules: Conner, Apayao on July 18, 2023 with 23 participants; Tabuk City on July 20, 2023 with 22 participants; Pidigan, Abra on August 15, 2023 with 25 participants; and Sablan, Benguet on August 29, 2023 with 21 participants.

The two batches were conducted in semester 1, 2023 with forty-three (43) total participants.
