ATI-Cordillera Prepares AEW Trainers thru the Resource Person Development Course

Thu, 06/01/2023 - 10:55

Through its ladderized course on Extension Delivery Enhancement, the Regional Training Center of the Agricultural Training Institute in the Cordillera implemented its fourth phase to the agricultural extension workers for the enhancement and development of their knowledge and skills on what they were expected to teach to their respective clienteles.

A total of 32 agricultural extension workers from the different Local Government Units of the Cordillera have just completed the Resource Person Development Course (RPDC) at the Aspulan Hall, ATI-RTC-CAR, BSU Compd., La Trinidad, Benguet on May 16-18, 2023. The said course aimed to develop and demonstrate the knowledge, attitude, and skills in planning, organizing, delivering, and assessing an effective delivery of subject matter.

Before exposing the participants to the different topics regarding resource personship, they were greeted with a special topic on Values-to-live-by discussed by Ms. Jam R. Balingan, the Project Officer of the Training and at the same time the GAD Focal Person of the Center. The topic was in consonant with the Gender and Development program of the Center.

Mr. Charlie C. Sagudan, Training Center Director of the ATI-RTC-CAR shared his thoughts and expertise regarding the topic, The Resource Person and his tasks. He also emphasized the desirable traits and characteristics of a trainer.  Ms. Jam R. Balingan, extensively discussed the Presentation Plan; Training Methods and Techniques; Presentation Skills; Handling Problems; and Preparation of Presentation Materials. Ms. Vicky May Guinayen, Training Specialist I tackled the Instruction Materials Development.

Engr. Randy T. Soriano and Mr. Bongbong L. Buli-e served as panel of judges during the presentation and delivery of their (participants) chosen topic. 

This training is the fourth phase of training courses under the Training Program on Extension Delivery Service Enhancement Course. Prior to this, the AEWs have undergone the Basic Course on Agricultural Extension Delivery Systems for them to capacitate on the world of extension – which is the first phase. The second phase is the Community Needs Assessment which capacitated them on the tools and skills of conducting needs assessment and enable them to come up with a bottoms-up identification of needs as a basis for extension interventions. Thirds phase delves on writing a winning Project Proposal Preparation. Eventually, participants will be exposed to the world of training for them to be able to confidently conduct a training activity – The Training Management Course which is the last phase of the Training Program.

The second batch of this training will be conducted this coming June, 2023 at the same venue.
