ATI-Cordillera Refreshes Local Farmer Technicians and Farmer Leaders on Balanced Fertilization Strategy

Mon, 05/15/2023 - 10:03

In organic fertilizer is a staple input of farmers when it comes to mass farming. With the global crisis in the production and importation of inorganic fertilizers, their cost suddenly increased. Due to this scenario, the Philippines is affected because of dependent on the importation of inorganic fertilizers since it does not have enough resources to produce the fertilizer that can supply the country. To counter effect the increase in fertilizer, the Department of Agriculture launched the Balanced Fertilization Strategy (BFS) Program which pushes for the use of combined organic and inorganic inputs and other forms of strategy to attain the maximum potential of farmlands while promoting balanced fertilization in maintaining soil fertility. Thus, in partnership with the DA-RFO-CAR, the ATI Regional Training Center in the Cordillera conducted a refresher course on Balanced Fertilization Strategy for Local Farmer Technicians (LFT) and Farmer-Leaders (FL) last March 27-31, 2023.

LFT and FL Pic

Ms. Rowena F. Billig, Agriculturist II of the Fertilizer and Pesticide Authority discussed the Lessons, Trends and Outlook of the Fertilizer Industry including the agency’s mandates and its roles as the oversight of the fertilizer industry of the country.  Ms. Mary Ann C. Tuba-ang, Agriculturist II of the DA-RFO-CAR uncovers the LFT-Participants through her lecture on Soil Fertility Management and eventually on the Balanced Fertilization Strategy which applies the concept of the 4R in fertilization: Right Source, Right Placement, Right Amount, and Right Rate to help enhance soil health and productivity, prevent the decline in soil fertility, and improve fertilizer availability and costs.  Mr. Jayric F. Villareal, Faculty Member of DMMMSU shared the benefits of Bio-N fertilizer, developed by BioTech of UPLB and is being promoted by the DA. Bio-N is a cheap source of Nitrogen and has been helping rice, corn, and vegetable farmers increase their yield while maintaining the soil condition. It is a microbial inoculant that converts atmospheric nitrogen into a form that plants can easily use. He emphasizes that Bio-N can improve the plant’s root system, boosts nutrient absorption, enhances soil conditions, and provides resistance to pests and diseases. Using Bio-N can also reduce/lower production costs. Mr. Jerome S. Lucyao, Agriculturist I and Mr. Jake T. Dionisio, Laboratory Technician III, from the Soils Laboratory of the DA-RFO-CAR engaged the participants with the Soil Test Kit Analysis with practicum. While Mr. Jaypee D. Na-oy, technical support staff of the ATI-RTC-CAR demonstrate on the different rice production apps such as the use of LCC, RCM, and MOET app.

Lastly, the participants were exposed to a Techno Demo Site in Sabdang, Sablan, Benguet for a lecture discussion on the different bio-fertilizer applications.

A similar activity was conducted last March 6-10, 2023 with only eleven (11) Local Farmer Technicians who attended the said activity. Both training courses were held at the ATI-RTC-CAR, BSU Compd., La Trinidad, Benguet.
