ATI-Cordillera Shines During the Luzon Cluster A Sportsfest: Emerges as the Overall Champion

Thu, 07/11/2024 - 10:36

The ATI Cordillera took the overall champion during the Luzon Cluster A Sportsfest conducted last July 4-5, 2024 held at ATI-RTC II, Malasin, San Mateo, Isabela.

The scoreboard showed that the ATI-Cordillera triumphantly performed well in Scrabble (both men's and women's divisions), volleyball and table tennis (women’s division) and cheerfully seized the champion in the cheer dance competition. The Center also smashed all its competitors when its candidates for the pageant Mr. and Ms. Luzon Cluster A Sportsfest snatched the title. Aside from that, the ATI-RTC-CAR’s candidate for the female category snatched 3 awards namely, articulate, best in talent, and best in sports attire.

The activity commenced with a lively parade joined by all participants from different RTCs and guests from ATI Central Office. The RTCs gleefully yelled their cheers and were accompanied by a marching band as they marched from ATI-RTC lI to San Mateo's gymnasium.

Upon arrival at the venue, Ms. Claris M. Alaska, OIC Center Director of ATI-RTC II, warmly acknowledged and welcomed the presence of everyone. The Center Directors from the other RTCs also provided welcoming remarks and introductions of their teams. To formally begin the event, ATIEA President Mr. Emerson Denado shared his message expressing support to all participants.

Players from different RTCs exerted their best efforts, vying for the championship title in Basketball,

Volleyball, Badminton, Table tennis, Chess, and Scrabble. Furthermore, after the exhausting sports of the day, the most awaited event of the night began. The representatives from the different RTCs energetically presented their cheer dance entries. Hereafter, the event proceeded with the pageant competition, where ATI-RTC-CAR representatives were both crowned as Mr. and Ms. ATI-Luzon Cluster A Inter-agency Sportsfest for CY 2024, followed by the first runner-up title awarded to Mr. ATI-RTC III and Ms. ATI-RTC II, the second runner-up title was given to Mr. ATI-RTC II and Ms. ATI-RTC III and the third runner-up title goes to the representatives of ATI-RTC I.

Luzon Cluster A sportsfest delegates posed for a souvenir photo

As the second day drew its day bright, all players from their regional training centers exerted their best efforts to bag the championship. The night came when all awaited the awarding ceremony which took place at the poolside of the ATI’s Regional Training Center II Compound. 

For the individual category, ATI-RTC I bagged the championship for the men’s chess division while ATI-RTC-CAR came in 1st runner up, 2nd runner up goes to ATI-RTC II and ATI-RTC III pocketed the 3rd runner up. ATI-RTC I once again bagged the championship for the chess women’s division, ATI-RTC-CAR got the 1st runner up, 2nd runner up goes to ATI-RTC II while ATI-RTC III placed at 3rd runner up. For Scrabble, ATI-RTC-CAR smashed the championship for both men's and women’s divisions, ATI-RTC II bagged the 1st runner-up for the same divisions, ATI-RTC 1 hit the 2nd runner-up for men’s division and ATI-RTC III falls in 3rd runner-up, ATI-RTC III snatched the 2nd runner-up for women’s division while ATI-RTC I got the 3rd runner-up.

For table tennis, ATI-RTC II powerfully bagged the championship for the men’s division, ATI-RTC-CAR coming in as 1st runner-up, 2nd runner-up goes to ATI-RTC I while the 3rd runner-up belonged to ATI-RTC III. For the women’s division, ATI-RTC-CAR emerged as the champion, ATI-RTC I came in as 1st runner-up, ATI-RTC II got the 2nd runner-up, and ATI-RTC III for the 3rd runner-up. For the table tennis doubles, ATI-RTC II snatched the champion, ATI-RTC-CAR got the 1st runner-up, ATI-RTC 1 – 2nd runner-up while the 3rd runner-up went to ATI-RTC III.

For Badminton, ATI-RTC III came in as the champion for the men’s division. ATI-RTC-CAR bagged the 1st runner-up, ATI-RTC I – 2nd runner-up and ATI-RTC II pinned the 3rd runner-up. For the women’s division, ATI-RTC II nailed it as the champion, ATI-RTC I came in as the 1st runner-up, ATI-RTC III got the 2nd runner-up while ATI-RTC-CAR bowed to 3rd runner-up. For Badminton doubles, ATI-RTC II wittingly snatched the champion, ATI-RTC-CAR hit the 1st runner-up, ATI-RTC I got the 2nd runner-up and ATI-RTC III got the 3rd runner-up.

For basketball, ATI-RTC III smashed all its opponents and bagged the championship for the men’s division while ATI-RTC-CAR hit the 1st runner-up. ATI-RTC I & II tied for the title 2nd runner-up. For the women's counterpart, ATI-RTC II hits the championship followed by ATI-RTC III, ATI-RTC-CAR and ATI-RTC I for the titles 1st, 2nd, and 3rd runner-up, respectively.

For volleyball, ATI-RTC I dominated the men’s division hitting the championship followed by ATI-RTC-CAR, ATI-RTC II and ATI-RTC III while ATI-RTC-CAR emerged as the champion for the women’s division followed by ATI-RTC I, ATI-RTC II and ATI-RTC III, respectively.

For the cheer dance competition, the ATI-RTC-CAR astounded the event when it hit the cheer dance competition and danced its way as the champion in the said contest.

The ATI-Luzon Cluster A Inter-agency Sportsfest, consisting of ATI-RTC I, ATI-RTC II, ATI-RTC III, and ATI-RTC- CAR, has gathered for the second time to celebrate their fellowship and friendship through a sportsfest. This year, ATI-RTC II hosted the celebration in San Mateo, lsabela.//With reports from Ms. Manilyn Dalmo, HR Assistant Officer.
