Atok Farmers Undergo Training on Agro-Enterprise Clustering Approach (AECA)

Mon, 05/20/2024 - 11:54

The farm and Fisheries Clustering and Consolidation (F2C2) program is implemented by the different regions and spearheaded by the Department of Agriculture. The F2C2 program aims to consolidate or group production capabilities of continuous land areas and assets. The farm clustering approach is a key strategy that will build partnerships for the development of farmers and overcome their barriers, especially in marketing. Whereas, the EACA is a strategy that builds partnerships among local institutions to enable and empower farmers to directly supply their produce to corporate markets. In support of this strategy, the Center under the High Crops Development Program conducted the “Training on Agro-Enterprise Clustering Approach (AECA) for Atok Good Agricultural Practitioners (AGAP) Cluster of Atok, Benguet (Phases 1: Steps 1-3)” held on May 14-17, 2024 at Damuh-han Hall, ATI-RTC-CAR, BSU Compd., La Trinidad, Benguet.

The training aimed that the participants would be able to develop their Agro-Enterpise plans and objectives for their respective organizations. 

The resource persons uncovered and discussed the following topics to the participants: Overview of the Agro-enterprise clustering approach; the three (3) Phases of Agro-Enterprise Clustering Approach (AECA) covering the formation of site working group (SWG), development of a production module, and development of cluster supply plan; Market Chains and Value Chains: The Foundation of Agro-Enterprise Development covering direct market actors, business development service providers, conducting the market chain study; and Consolidation and Analysis of Market Chain Study information and Agro-Enterprise Objective covering the value chain map, value chain diagram, and marketing cost and income table.

During the closing program, Ms. Edorose C. Inway, AGPA Member expressed her support for the program. She said that she learned a lot from the training workshop – from the formation of the site working group (SWG), the development of a production module, the development of a cluster supply plan, market and value chains, and interviewing buyers and business development. “The training had taught me the true meaning of commitment to a sustainable business,” she concluded.

Mr. Allison M. Canuto, AGPA Member also seconded that “we should remove our culture of individualism, let us help and support each other for us to grow together, by working together and supporting each other, we can influence each other’s strengths, obtain resources, and can create a network of support.”

A total of 31 farmer participants attended the said training activity. //with reports from Dr. Cristine B. Esnara, PAS Chief and Project Officer.
