Center Director Sagudan shares experiences during their monitoring activity for the youth interns in Taiwan

Mon, 01/27/2025 - 16:11

“Though tiresome and long-distance travel from one site to the other, the visit is very fruitful as we have assessed the interns and made recommendations to strengthen the program,” stressed Mr. Charlie Sagudan, Center Director who together with Ms. Elsa Parot, Center Director of ATI-Bicol, Ms. Cristine Galupo - RBO Focal of ATI-RTC 10, and Mr. Joshua Marcos of ATI-CO conducted the monitoring and evaluation of the FYFIPT batch 4 and 5 in Taiwan last December 9-13, 2024.

As a background, Mr. Sagudan said that the FYFIPT program was initiated hoping to provide capability-building for the youth, raising their farming level upon their return. The program was instituted as a regular support program of ATI. To date, 224 beneficiaries have been involved since it started in 2021. 125 graduated, and 99 interns are currently undergoing the internship program in Taiwan, of which 2 interns are from the Cordillera.

After due consideration and thorough evaluations of the interns, the following were recommended for the improvement of the said program:

  • Most host farmers suggested that the internship program should be extended to at least 2 years for the interns to fully master the technologies, practices, and techniques of the host farms.
  • The program should consider buddy-buddy system meaning if possible there are 2 interns in 1 farm. This is to provide the interns with the company in comprehending the host farmer's instruction and in cases of emergencies.
  • The host farmers were generally hospitable to the interns providing much-needed food and comfortable accommodation.
  • Host farmers are coaching and mentoring and interns every step of their farming practices; 5) Re-iteration of the internship program not as an employment but a training program for the youth.
  • Inclusion of the Farm Supervisors not just the farm owners during internship orientation so that every aspect of the program is well understood by everyone.
  • Inclusion of guidelines regarding policies relative to student intern accidents.
  • RTCs to strictly follow guidelines in the selection of their interns, this is to avoid problematic interns in the future.

For the problems encountered, two (2) interns from CAR met an accident during their internship. One intern is bitten by a dog and the other one nearly cuts off her thumb because of unfamiliar with the use of the machine. Mr. Sagudan said that he talked with the host farmer to provide care to the intern until she fully recuperates. The recommendation is to include in the internship orientation the observance of safety procedures in the farm and household practices.

There were 14 host farmers and 41 youth interns monitored during the visit. The host farmers were producing pineapple, rice, cherry tomatoes, and flowers with some engaged in poultry production.

The sharing of experience was part of the management input during the year-end planning entitled "Tracking Outcomes Towards Organizational Goals: DA-ATI-RTC-CAR FY 2024 Year-end Performance Review and FY 2025 Operational Planning"  held on January 21-23, 2025 at the Aspulan Hall, ATI-RTC-CAR, BSU Compd., La Trinidad, Benguet.
