Potato Seed Inspectors Trains on Varietal Identification on the Different Stages of Potato

Wed, 10/04/2023 - 10:43

A total of 31 prospective potato seed inspector participants have successfully completed phase three of the Training on Potato Varietal Characterization and Field Inspection Practicum for Potato Seed Inspectors of CAR held on September 12-15, 2023 at the Dam-muh-han Hall, ATI-RTC-CAR, BSU Compd., La Trinidad, Benguet.

The objective of the training was that participants shall be able to characterize varieties of potatoes at different stages and enhance their knowledge of field inspection.

The first topic that was discussed was focused on the status of the potato industry in the Philippines. The meat of the discussion focused on the following: Varietal and characteristics of approved NSIC registered potato varieties; Review of the seed certification guidelines, mechanics, and requirements of seed certification; and Review of the field inspection protocol focusing on the roles and responsibilities of seed inspectors, and field inspection techniques.

Potato Seed Inspectors Trng pic



Participants were immersed through a field practicum at the Bureau of Plant and Industry (BPI) experimental station. During the field practicum, they underwent field varietal characterization, collection and characterization of potato pests and diseases, and farm inspection. A field visit was also done at the Northern Philippines Root Crops Research and Training Center (NPRCRTC) based at Benguet State University, La Trinidad, Benguet.

A supplemental topic on Photo documentation and video preparation was also tackled during the training.

Phases 1 & 2 focused on potato seed production and certification (Phase 1) and potato production with emphasis on pest and disease identification and management (Phase 2).
