CAR AFFREDN sucessfully inks its MOU among various stakeholders

Thu, 10/03/2024 - 17:07

Spearheaded by the DA-CAR through its Research Division, the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding on October 1, 2024 was participated by the heads and representatives of the members of the AFRREDN held at the DA Old Conference Hall, Guisad, Baguio City.

During the said activity, Atty. Jennilyn M. Dawayan, CESO IV, the Regional Executive Director of DA-CAR says that the event serves as entry point for research and extension proposals from the AFRREDN community for  possible funding by DA-BAR.  She reiterated that the Agriculture and Fisheries Resources, Research and Extension for Development Network (AFRREDN ) will be a sub-alliance of the CorCAARRD focusing on research  and extension for development along the agriculture sector, since CorCAARRD is not just on agriculture but on aquatic, environment, natural resources, health and other sectors. This is in consideration  as well to agencies and offices that do not have mandate on research but have agri-based related programs like the  PLGUs, MLGUs, DAR, NCIP, NIA, and priavte sector. “We are are not deviating from CorCAARRD but we are creating another way for those proposals not covered by DOST for DA-BAR funding”, added Atty. Dawayan.

The Agriculture and Fisheries Resources, Research and Extension for Development Network (AFRREDN) is organized to create a venue for synergism among various research, development and extension (R4DE) institutions, guided by a common agenda and programs to avoid duplication of efforts and save resources. This collaborations with the concerned agencies will be enabled to contribute further in addressing regional technology gaps and opportunities. The AFRREDN is being institutionalized purposely to have: partnership mechanism for R4DE stakeholders; deliver relevant interventions and quality programs and services; conversational space to discuss R4DE issues and concerns; and maximize limited R4DE resources by reducing duplication and overlaps.

In addition, the operationalization of the AFRREDN will be supported by the four committees namely: Research for Development Committee (RDC) to determine R4D initiatives based on local needs; Extension and Transfer Committee (ETC) to identify appropriate extension and scaling modalities; Knowledge Exchange Committee (KEC): to develop and disseminate knowledge products and services; and Institutional Support Committee (ISC) to identify and provide institutional support to R4DE stakeholders. The representatives each committee will be identified by the member agencies of the AFRREDN. For CAR, the RDC and ISC will be led by DA-RFO- while the ETC and KEC will be led by DA-ATI.

As funding support, the DA-RFO shall provide counterpart resources (financial, human, physical). The operations and management of the Network shall be charged against the fund of BAR and ATI while other expenses may be sponsored by member agencies as highlighted in the MOU and WFP.

The creation of AFRREDN is stipulated under Rule 81.14.3 of the Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) of AFMA that mandates the Department of Agriculture - Regional Integrated Agricultural Research Centers (DA-RIARCs), under the guidance of DA-BAR and DA-ATI, to develop and maintain a network of regional and provincial collaborators in undertaking the regional Research for Development and Extension (R4DE) programs. Further, the Administrative Order No. 5 Series of 2018 known as the “General Guidelines and Procedures for the Operation of the Regional Research and Development, Extension Network (RRDEN) for Agricultural and Fisheries,” strengthens the regional R4DE priority setting and implementation of projects/program on AF sector.  The DA Memorandum Circular No. 2, s. 2024 known as “Implementing Guidelines on the Institutionalization of Agriculture and Fisheries Resources, Research, and Extension for Development Network (AFRREDN)” was issued for the guidance of all regional agriculture and fisheries (AF) Research for Development and Extension (R4DE) partner institutions on the institutionalization of the AFRREDN for which DA-BAR and DA-ATI-CO serve as the National secretariat while DA Regional Research Divisions and  DA-ATI-RTCs will lead the regional secretariat.

In CAR, members of the AFRREDN are the: Provincial Governement Units of Abra, Apayao, Benguet, Ifugao, Kalinga, and  Mountain Province; City Government Units of Baguio and Tabuk;  state universities and colleges which are: Apayao State College, Abra State Institute of Science and Technology, Benguet State University, Ifugao State University, and Mountain Province State University.

For the national line agencies, these are the: Bureau of Plant Industry- Baguio National Crop Research, Development and Production Support Center; Philippine Rice Research Institute – Isabela; Regional Offices of the: Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources, Department of Science and Technology, Department of Agrarian Reform, Department of Tourism, and National Commission on Indigenous Peoples. 

The private sectors include: Regional Agriculture and Fisheries Council-Cordillera Administrative Region; private extension provider partners in CAR- the Roumeia Agri-Tourism and Training Center Incorporated, Mt. Carmel Agri-Tourism and Training Center Incorporated, and Saint Louis University Extension Institute for Small Scale Industries Foundation Incorporated; Cordillera Association of Learning Sites for Agriculture (CALSA); and the Philippine Association of Research Managers, Inc. (PhilARM).
