Sharing the Values of Growing Own Food: A Grandmother’s Tale in Urban Agriculture

Friday, November 18, 2022 - 13:04

This is the story of Mila T. Caliging, 68 years old, of La Trinidad, Benguet, mother of three, a former Division Science Supervisor- an instructor, a teacher.

Mila Caliging

Retirement from the government service opened a wider room for Mila to impart knowledge to her fellow senior citizens, whom she considered also her family. After retiring, she was actively involved and presently serves as the Secretary of the Wonderful Women of Poblacion Association (WOWPA) of Buyagan, Poblacion. She is also an active officer of the Catholic Women’s League of the local parish, President of the Women’s Brigade, and member of the Federation of Senior Citizens of La Trinidad (FSC-LT).
In the midst of the COVID 19, Mila helps mobilize the WOWPA members to do a worthwhile activity despite the pandemic. In July 2020, with the gathering restrictions, only few members from WOWPA were selected to join the coaching on urban gardening by ATI-CAR. With the knowledge gained and starter kit provided after the coaching, she decided to be more serious in doing her home farming- container gardening specifically - in the limited area /porch in their home.

Home gardening however is not a new concept as her family is already into this even before the pandemic.

The coaching she attended increases her knowledge on urban gardening as she learns to prepare concoctions like the Oriental Herbal Nutrients for the plants. Surprisingly, she won the first prize for the Home Gardening contest on the Urban Gardening Project facilitated by ATI-CAR on December 2020. For this, she is grateful for the opportunity and learning to ATI.

In doing urban gardening, Mila realizes a lot of things. Doing urban gardening is a very significant activity. “Personally, I am doing this to enhance my knowledge on farming and to apply it for my family's benefit especially that we are experiencing pandemic. I can also share my insights to my neighbors who are also interested in urban gardening so that it would expand in all the communities. Doing urban gardening is a very significant activity for me and family. It is a source of fresh vegetables for our health and defray expenses for the family’s needs. I see more the value of producing your own fresh food.”

The urban gardening strengthens the family’ relationship. Doing home gardening becomes a shared activity among the family members. Her three grandchildren are helping the couple to tend the plants.

“My husband helped me a lot. There was closer bonding with our three grandchildren because instead of watching TV and playing their gadgets, they volunteer to water the plants. I see happiness and excitement in them when they see the plants growing and harvesting the produce themselves. “
She needs to share the joy of doing home gardening. Since not all WOWPA members attended the coaching, Mila and her participating colleagues utilize the social media to share their home gardening activities and learnings to other. Social media become an instrument to encourage others to do home gardening as well, if not to make them sustain this kind of activity in their respective homes. Seeing the importance of producing own food even in a small area, Mila was inspired to submit a proposal on urban gardening for her fellow senior citizens especially those who were not able to attend the coaching activity. The proposal was approved by the LGU of La Trinidad and awaits release of budget.

Home gardening is a learning process that involves monitoring She is still a teacher thus, paper and pen are part of her home gardening. She knows the importance of proper recording and documentation that also serves as her monitoring strategy if what she is doing is worth the time and resources - which she attests that indeed, it is. This became instrumental in her winning the 1st prize of the UA contest.

Doing home gardening revived her interested in farming. She shares that she now personally attends and helps her husband, Nicomedes, in the farm activities. The couple is tilling a farm in a nearby municipality where they bring their grandchildren to enjoy farming life. Her family finds comfort in farming-be it in their home or field thus they did experience much the negative impact of COVID 19. Farming becomes a part of her life-more than a hobby but a lifestyle. Mila, now finds more fulfillment and experiencing the best of life in her senior years.

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