AEW Livestock Focal Persons of CAR Trains on Feednovation

Fri, 06/02/2023 - 14:27

With the rising cost of commercial feeds for livestock, local livestock raisers resort to using alternative feeds as an alternative source for commercial feeds. Aside from being economic, it is also sustainable such that alternative feed ingredients could be produced closer to home and could benefit local producers. In line with this, the Regional Training Center of the Agricultural Training Institute in the Cordillera took advantage and conducted a training course on “Feednovation: A Showcase of Alternative Feedstuff” for AEWs of CAR held at the Sab-atan Hall, ATI-RTC-CAR, BSU Compd., La Trinidad, Benguet.

The training aimed to equip the participants with concepts, basic principles, and practices on alternative methods of feedstuff propagation, feed production, and processing.

On his opening message, Mr. Charlie C. Sagudan, Training Center Director, acknowledged that feednovation is one of the key ingredients in reducing costs in order for our farmers to save thereby gaining and increasing their income. He said that these feedstuffs are readily available and can be found in our surroundings free of charge, however, the mode of making these alternative feedstuffs as a good source of nutrients for our livestock would be the purpose of this training. If a farmer can save ₱500.00 or ₱1,000.00 pesos in her pocket, that should be a very good saving for him. He continued that, we can reduce or limit the production cost with this alternative mode of providing feeds to our livestock production. With this kind of alternative solution, we can reduce commercial feeds to our livestock thus it is a savings for our farmer-livestock raisers. Lastly, he challenged the AEWs for them to disseminate the information to their respective farmer-clienteles so that the learnings they acquire will be put to use.

Topics discussed were focused on the Updates on Feed Production in the Philippines; Alternative Feeds, Goals, Advantages and Risks when Engaging in Feeding Alternative Ingredients; Sources of Alternative Feeds; Identification of feedstuffs Available; Feedstuffs Propagation such as Hydroponics Feed Production and Black Soldier Fly Propagation; Feed Formulation such as Pearson Square, Modified Pearson Square Method.

To further enhance the knowledge and skills of the participants, they were exposed to the different farm practices of learning sites practicing alternative feedstuffs such as the Benguet Animal Learning Site under the Benguet Provincial Veterinary Office located at San Pascual, Tuba, Benguet; the ANAEM Farm at Taloy Sur, Tuba, Benguet; and at the Miner’s Garden at Minac, Tuding, Itogon, Benguet. All farms are Learning Sites for Agriculture accredited by the ATI-RTC-CAR.

The training was not complete without undergoing a workshop on urea-molasses-mineral blocks (UMMB) and silage-making using molasses and corn-by-products at the ATI urban garden.

During the closing ceremony, Ms. Mila Paduaon of Hungduan, Ifugao was thankful because she was chosen as one of the participants. They were not accommodated in 2022 because the slot was full., “We are thankful that we are now able to attend this year. We appreciated all the topics the resource speakers shared with us, even the learning sites we visited. I hope that there will be an established learning site in our LGU soon. I also agree that the topic feed formulation refreshed us. During the UMMB making process, we learned that it is not simple and that there are processes and techniques we have to follow, even the molding and shaping. Thank you, and we hope that we will be able to attend future training sessions.” She narrated.

The training was attended by 17 AEWs on May 22-26, 2023.
