ATI-RTC-CAR spearheads PGS Training for Organic Agriculture Organizations of Abra

Fri, 04/26/2024 - 15:19

To promote a locally focused quality assurance system for organic farming, ATI-CAR conducted Batch 1 of Training of Trainers on Participatory Guarantee System for Organic Agriculture Organizations on April 15 to 26, 2024 held at Arquitola’s Integrated Farm, Calumbaya, Dolores, Abra.

The ten-day training headed by Mr. Edwin C. Dicksen, Agriculturist II and Organic Agriculture Focal from ATI-RTC-CAR was attended by the members of Abra Organic Provincial Agriculture Cooperative (ABOPAC); Abra Diocesan Teachers and Employees Multi-Purpose Cooperative – Mt. Carmel Agri-tourism and Training Center, Inc (ADTEMPCO-MCATTCI); and Agricultural Extension Workers (AEWs) from different LGUs of the said province.

Moreover, Mr. Dicksen discussed the Organic Agriculture Act, its amendments, Implementing Rules and Regulations, Organic Agriculture Standards, Establishment and Operation of a Participatory Guarantee System, and Peer Review and Certification Protocols which are key elements in organizing the wholeness of the PGS group.

Meanwhile, Mr. Jomar P. Tacio, Agriculturist I from DA-RFO-CAR talked about the Organic Agriculture Standards and the National List of Permitted Substances for Organic Agriculture as a tool for building and generating the cooperative's Internal Standard (IS) and Manual of Operations (MOP) in accordance to the Philippine National Standards (PNS) which is essential as an Organic Certifying Bodies (PGS) if certified and accredited by the Bureau of Agriculture and Fisheries Standard (BAFS).

Also, Mr. Doweno Santiago Jr. Agriculturist II from DA-RFO-CAR Regulatory Division, speaks on the Accreditation of PGS Group as an Organic Certifying body providing details on the application, and processes for certification and accreditation.

During the training, workshops and field activities were provided to guide the participants in the needed requirements and regulations.

Furthermore, Ms. Jam R. Balingan, Chief of the Career and Development Section (CDMS) at ATI-RTC-CAR, graced the closing program on behalf of the center to encourage and impart a message to the participants.

The said training enables the cooperatives to adopt and comply with the PGS requirements to be certified and accredited as core PGS groups promoting consistent and applicable organic agriculture standards and corresponding technical regulations. If certified and accredited, they will be the first Organic Certifying Bodies through PGS in Abra.//with reports from Mr. Aldrin Sagao, Training Support Staff.
