ATI-Cordillera Turns Over ICT Facilities for FITS Center of OMAg-Bangued, Abra

Tue, 04/23/2024 - 17:02

As part of the enhancement program of the FITS Centers and for its continual operation, the ATI-Cordillera through its Information Services Section (ISS) turned over the ICT equipment to FITS Center in Bangued, Abra last April 15, 2024.

Ms. Jaila Sagpa-ey, FITS Focal Person, oriented the staff on the updates and guidelines of the program. It was reiterated that: the Techno Gabay Program (TGP) is to enhance the operation of the OMAG especially its FITS Center services. Further, report submission and the presence of a logbook for FITS operation are underscored as part of their responsibilities. The FITS report submission is by semester – that is - expected to be submitted to DA-ATI-CAR before the end of June and December each year.

For the ICT support, it was mentioned that once transferred and the Property Transfer Report (PTR) is signed, it will now be the property and responsibility of the LGU. Thus, maintenance of the said equipment is their responsibility.

Staff from the accounting was also briefed about the request for JEV, which she willingly accepted as long as they received a copy of the PTR.

The set of ICT equipment given was: laptop, printer, tablet, LCD projector, and these were tested in the presence of the OMAg staff. Mr. Edward Saldivar, Network Controller and Mr. Adrian Chris Velasco, Information Officer shared with the OMAg-FITS staff the do’s and don'ts of operating the ICT support given to them.

The FITS Center is part of the extension modality known as the Techno Gabay Program

(TGP) initiated by the Philippine Council for Agriculture, Aquatic and Natural Resources

Research and Development (PCAARRD). In 2012 the TGP was transferred to the Department of Agriculture specifically the Agricultural Training Institute. The TGP aims to enhance the extension services of the municipal and provincial agriculture offices in the country with emphasis on the generation, adoption, and promotion of science-based technologies at the farmers’ level.// with reports from Ms. Jaila Sagpa-ey
