ATI-RTC-CAR concludes its Enhancing Extension Delivery Training Program

Tue, 06/11/2024 - 12:52

Agricultural Training Institute – Cordillera Administrative Region (ATI-CAR), as an implementing agency in improving the extension delivery to the farmers of the region, conducts a training program for agricultural extension workers. With this, Course 5: Training Management as the ender course of the program concludes last May 29, 2024, at the Regional Training Center of Cordillera.

The said training program aims to continuously develop and enhance the knowledge, skills, and attitude of the LGU Agricultural Extension Workers for better agricultural extension delivery in their localities.

In addition, the training program is composed of five courses; Course 1: Basic Course on Agricultural Extension Delivery; Course 2: Community Needs Assessment; Course 3: Writing a Winning Project Proposal; Course 4: Resource Person Development Course; and Course 5: Training Management.

Furthermore, Course 5: Training Management, focuses on capacitating the participants on the definitions and concepts related to training, as trainers, and the training cycle.

To further capacitate the participants on managing a training program, Mr. Cristino E. Balancio, Private Extension Practitioner, discussed the key principles and considerations to conduct training effectively and efficiently where he elaborated on the things to do before, during, and after implementation.

Consequently, the participants conducted actual training from their respective offices in the application of the lessons learned from the lectures in which they were evaluated and were provided with a feedback session during the closing program to create opportunities for learning through understanding their strengths and areas for improvement.

Also, Mr. Charlie Sagudan, Training Center Director of ATI-CAR graced the program where he congratulated the participants for completing the course and shared a message of encouragement for the participants to integrate their learnings into their extension service implementations.

Moreover, Ms. Kris-Anne Martinez, an Agricultural Technician from Tineg, Abra, expressed her gratitude for her learnings from the training and how it can help them as extension workers improve their implementation.

Ditoy nga training ko nga na-experience nu kasanu ma-improve ti skills ko as a resource person. Actually, ditoy nga narugianan jay pagka-resource person ko. Sapay koma ta mas ma-improve pay ket agpatraining kami manen tatta iti integrated rice-based farming system. Mausar ko daytoy nga skills nga apan mi naadal tatta (Through this training, I was able to experience how to improve my skills as a resource person. It started through this training. I hope I can still improve more. I will certainly use these skills in our upcoming training on integrated rice-based farming systems),” Ms. Martinez shared.

Thus, Ms. Jam R. Balingan, the Project Officer of the said training, shared a message emphasizing hopes for the participants to apply what they have learned in their respective localities and improve themselves to deliver quality extension service.

Further, the training program was concluded with 34 completers from 95 kick-off participants from Course 1 which was conducted last 2021.//Ezra James Felix, CDMSS Technical Support Staff.
