ATI-Cordillera conducts an ocular inspection of the proposed farms of YIPOA batch 3 applicants and the completeness of facilities of Farm Partners

Thu, 02/06/2025 - 13:06

Through the CMDS and PAS, ATI-Cordillera successfully validated and inspected the proposed farms of YIPOA batch 3 applicants and farm partners’ facilities from January 27 to February 3, 2025.

Before the validation and inspection activities, the team led by Mr. Edwin Dicksen, Organic Agriculture Focal Person, with Ms. Glory Anongos, Technical Support Staff from CDMS, and Ms. Perla Epie, National Urban and Peri-urban Agriculture Program (NUPAP) Focal from PAS briefed the family members regarding the Youth Internship Program on Organic Agriculture (YIPOA) program. The briefing focused on the provision of general orientation on the implementing guidelines, goals and objectives, scope and coverage, mechanics of implementation, duties and responsibilities and monitoring and performance evaluation scheme among others. Generally, the activity aimed to raise the level of awareness of the youth to participate in the YIPOA and empower young farmers to become organic practitioners and agripreneurs.

According to Mr. Dicksen, eight (8) farm partners applied for the YIPOA batch 3. The farms and facilities of these farm partners were also validated successfully which were as follows; Aquilina Saguilot's Farm, Shavcer's Farm, Ilichan Diversified & Integrated Farm, Dumagay Integrated Farm, Lily of the Valley Farm, Cosmic Farm, 4L Integrated Farm, and Nabe's Organic Farm. Upon brief interviews and validation of their farms, these farm partners are willing to accommodate and provide free meals for the interns.

Twelve (12) interested youths applied for the batch 3 internship program composed of six (6) youths coming from Benguet province, and six (6) youths from the province of Kalinga. The team consolidated the applicant's documents and monitored their land areas as indicated in their proposals. Further, their parents and families were also interviewed to verify the completeness, veracity, and accuracy of the documents submitted by the applicants.

The YIPOA batch 3 will resume their 9-month training this March to December 2025. After training with the farm partners, they will implement their 12-month action plan at their respective farms. The expected graduation will be December 2026.
