“Seek Information, know your programs by heart and establish good working relations with your Local Chief Executives” quipped Ms. Marlita Basingan, 61 years and an outstanding Municipal Agriculturist of Pidigan, Abra when ask what advices can she give to fellow supervisors.
“We, the Municipal Agriculturists are the most significant strategists in the development of the agriculture and fisheries sector of our respective municipalities. We should be updated with the latest information and technologies that affect our sector. These will help us make sound judgement and decisions,” continued Ms. Basingan.
Among the noteworthy Agricultural programs and projects of the municipality under her leadership are the following: Palayamanan- an intensified rice-based integrated farming system for rainfed barangays. With sponsorship of PhilRice based at Batac, Ilocos Norte, it started as a pilot project in barangay Naguirayan until it branched out to six sites in 2005 and 15 in 2006. Fertilizer loan for farmers. This is initiated and funded by LGU Pidigan in 2005 where a farmer beneficiary is allowed to loan one bag of 21-0-0 fertilizer costing 300.00 per bag. The farmer returns the cash value of the fertilizer after one cropping cycle. The money is again used to buy fertilizers to be loaned to other farmers. Initially, the project started with 150 farmer beneficiaries. At the end of 2006, this expanded to 300 farmers.
Farmers Field School on Rice and Corn. Pidigan has more corn areas, thus every cropping, an FFS on corn is established. In 2005, two FFS on Rice was held.
Propagation and distribution of High Value Fruit tree seedlings. The nursery of Pidigan propagated seedlings of atsuete, papaya and mangoes. Each farmer is given 25 seedlings each for their livelihood and income generation.
Improved Glutinous Corn Production. This is an open-pollinated variety being made into “cormick or chickacorn.”
Hybrid Rice Production. This project is done only in selected irrigated areas of the municipality since Pidigan is mostly rainfed.
Institutional Development, Pidigan has 15 Primary Rural Improvement Clubs (RIC) and one Municipal Federation. It has also 15 Farmers Associations (FA) and one municipal Federation. It has two local Irrigators Association (IA) and one municipal Federation. All the 15 barangays have 4-H clubs each.
In the implementation of these programs and projects, Ms. Basingan employs varied and a combination of extension methods and strategies. Among these are the following:
Barangay Consultation and planning to identify the needs, validate projects and prepare the agricultural development plan for the year. Invited to participate in the consultations are the barangay and municipal officials, leaders of rural based organizations and People’s Organizations like the RICs, 4-H Clubs, FAs, IAs, and Cooperatives. Also involved are the officers of the Municipal Agriculture and Fisheries Council and her Agriculture Technologists. ATs. Invited to participate in the consultations
Establishment of good and close working relations with LGU officials and employees and transparency of programs and projects. Every project or activity being implemented by her agriculture office is being known, endorsed and approved by these officials. They are consulted and if possible are encouraged to be involved in the implementation.
Linkage and partnership with government and private agencies and institutions and People’s organizations. Aside from the Barangay, municipal and provincial LGU offices, Ms. Basingan also partners with the DA-CAR.
Regional Field Unit, PhilRice, NIA, BPRE, BPI, ATI-CAR, MAFC and with non-government organizations (NGOs) in introducing and co-funding of programs and projects.
Continuous Development of herself and her staff. Ms. Basingan believes that since she and her staff are at the front line in the implementation of the agricultural and fisheries projects, they have to be equipped with the latest information and technology so that they can make right and sound decisions.
Since the budget for staff development in the LGUs are very limited, she haggles for funds during budget hearings. She also links with research, extension and training institutions. Aside from attending trainings, Ms. Basingan encourages her staff to research in libraries, read books, magazines, and other information materials. She also asks her staff to research at internet cafes, go to agencies and ask for information from experts, co-extension workers and farmers.
Provision of technical and supervisory assistance to her subordinates and leaders of various RBO organizations in order that they can be guided in what they are doing. Eventually, they will develop their skills and improve their morale.
Ms. Basingan, is the former provincial president of the association of Municipal Agriculturists/ Municipal Agriculture Officers(MA/MAO) of the Province of Abra. She is also the former Treasurer of the Regional Association of the MAOs/MAs of CAR.
Furthermore, she was awarded as the outstanding MAO during the celebration of “Arya Abra” in 2004. She was recognized as outstanding MAO by the PhilRice in 2005 and by DA-CAR in 2001.
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