RCEF Learning Sites

The Rice Competitiveness Enhancement Fund-Learning Site for Agriculture (RCEF-LSA) is a farm practicing applicable agricultural technologies, employing rice-based farming system and operating successfully, thus, worthy of emulation.
General Features
The Registry System for Basic Sectors in Agriculture (RSBSA) registered rice farmer, rice cooperative and associations accredited by the DA, State Universities and Colleges (SUCs) and other government-owned agencies are the qualified applicant; Shall serve as resource person/source of technology; Demonstrates applicable technologies and farming strategies; Has basic techno demo farm facilities, equipment, training area, a wash room and toilet; and Should have undergo RCEF-LSA certification process.
The RCEF-LSAs shall serve as model or an example to showcase applicable rice based farming technologies to help improve capabilities as means to improve capabilities of small farmers or other rural-community members. Specifically, it shall serve as Practicum area to complement classroom learning; Venue for practical and hands-on learning for immediate use Learning site for other farmers, other rural community members, ATI's training participants and other interested groups; and On-the-job training (OJT) site for ATI's scholarship program grantees and its other programs such as the "Adopt a Farm Youth Program" under the 4-H Farm Youth Program, and interested agriculture students and individuals.
Requirements and Certification Procedure
Qualification Requirements
The Farm
1. Must be actively operating:
2. Must be at least 1 hectare of rice area located within the identified rice-growing
municipalities/cities in the 57 priority target provinces for the implementation of RCEF;
3. Engages in rice-based farming system;
4. Has basic training facilities; and
5. Accessible by land and other transportation facilities.
The Farmer Cooperator
1. Must be registered in the Registry System for Basic Sector in Agriculture (RSBSA);
2. With potentials to become a farmer-extensionist;
3. Willing to act as trainer/resource person for various groups;
4. Willing to make available his/her farm as techno demo area or hands-on learning site; and
5. Physically fit to perform his/her responsibilities.
Rice Cooperative/Association
1. Must be registered with any of the following:
a. Cooperative Development Authority (CDA),
b. Security and Exchange Commission (SEC), and
c. Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE);
2. Accredited by the DA as Civil Society Organizations;
3. Must be managed and operated by Filipino citizens;
4. Must have certificate of good standing from accrediting agency or proof of ongoing
economic activity such as, but not limited to, credit and business;
5. Selected members must be willing to act as trainer/resource person for various groups; and
6. Farm of the members must be willing to make this available as learning site for hands-on
State Universities and Colleges (SUCs) and other government-owned agencies
1. Should be successful in demonstrating farming as a viable enterprise for learning purposes;
2. Should have staff permanently assigned with Special Order/Designation as evidence to
maintain the farm operation and demonstrate technologies for the clients at any given time;
3. Willing to act as trainer/resource person for various groups; and
4. Willing to make available his/her farm as techno demo area or hands-on learning site.
How to apply
The procedure in identifying and certifying RCEF- LSAs will be undertaken by the ATI-Regional Training Centers except the step regarding the issuance of RCEF-LSA Certificate which shall be issued by the ATI-CO upon compliance with all the requirements. The prospective RCEF-LSA may be any of following:
a. Endorsed/recommended by the LGUs or other entities to the ATI. If endorsed or
recommended, a Letter of Endorsement/ Recommendation with justification shall be required from the endorsing/recommending party;
b. The interested farmer/Cooperatives/Associations who may apply directly. A
Letter of Intent will be required for the interested applicant; and
c. Directly identified by the ATI based on the qualification requirements. If directly
identified by the ATI, Letter of Intent or Endorsement/ Recommendation Letter will not be required.