LUCBAN, Quezon – A new batch of young farmers got their hands-on training on smart farming technologies in preparation for their 11-month internship in Taiwan.
Composed of 50 young farmers from the different regions in the country, the participants underwent the Training on Smart Farming at Bukid Amara, an accredited Learning Site for Agriculture (LSA) of the Agricultural Training Institute (ATI) in Lucban, Quezon. The training is part of the Pre-Departure Orientation Course to equip the young interns with the basic knowledge and skills on smart farming before their departure to Taiwan.
During the five-day training, the interns were provided with lecture on farming fundamentals, precision agriculture for the iGeneration, introduction of business of commercial greenhouse production and an overview of the vegetable industry in the Philippines. They also experienced hands-on activities in the installation of drip irrigation, nursery preparation, and greenhouse operation.
The said activity was aimed at training the young farmers about science-based farming approach that plays a big role in increasing efficiency, higher yields, labor efficiency and promote sustainability and food security by minimizing environmental impact.
On their last day of training, the interns were divided into ten groups to present their farm proposals. Two proposals were chosen as Best Farm Layout (BELL’S Pepper Farm) and Best Presenter (FLAMP Tomatoes Farm) based on the project’s efficiency and impact, farm activities, project cycle cost, relevance of the farm layout and feasibility and innovativeness.
The owner of Bukid Amara farm, Michael Caballes, expressed his heartfelt gratitude to the interns for their active engagement and dedication to learn despite the stormy weather. “It is your active participation, commitment to learning and eagerness to learn fostered a dynamic learning environment in our Smart Farming Training”.
Caballes also challenged the said young farmers to carry out what they have learned in their training not just during their internship but also after their return from Taiwan and encourage them to apply it and share it with their fellow youth and their respective communities.
The Filipino Young Farmers Internship Program in Taiwan is a partnership between the Manila Economic and Cultural Office and the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in the Philippines with the Department of Agriculture through the ATI. The program is designed to enhance the relationship between the two countries through the implementation of an internship program for qualified Filipino young farmers.
The Training on Smart Farming was held last October 21 to 25, 2024 at Bukid Amara in Lucban, Quezon.