
ATI continues to strengthen the competitiveness and capacities of the agri-fishery (AF) extension sector and ensure that farmers and fishers can maximize the services designed to uplift their conditions. The Institute manages and develops initiatives to support the professionalization of agricultural extension workers (AEWs) by providing degree and non-degree scholarships.

  • Degree Programs - under the Degree programs, four- or five-year undergraduate courses (BS Degree) are offered to encourage the youth to pursue studies and professional career in agriculture, and/or venture in agripreneurship. This also include graduate courses (MS and PhD) to upgrade the quality, ensure the sustainability, and promote global competitiveness of the AEWs, at all levels, in agriculture and fisheries education.


Educational Assistance for the Youth: Degree Courses in Agriculture And Agricultural Biosystems Engineering (EAsY Agri)

          This program aims to encourage capable and deserving youth, particularly the children of smallholder farmers and fishers to pursue studies, professional career in agriculture and/or venture to agripreneurship .

     The provision of educational assistance for the youth is a college scholarship program in support to the children of smallholder farmers and fishers who are inclined to agriculture providing them equal opportunities to pursue a Bachelor's Degree courses in agriculture and fisheries. These courses include Agricultural Biosystems Engineering (ABE), environmental science, forestry and natural resources and all agriculture-related field which shall be granted through the State Universities and Colleges (SUCs)/institutions nationwide offering any of the course, as approved by the ATI-Career Development and Management Division (CDMD).

The program shall cover four years of the scholar's tertiary education except for scholars who will take ABE which will be covered for five years.

Educational Grants For Extension Workers (EdGE)

This program refers to the provision of scholarships for Graduate Degree Programs, specifically Master's and Doctorate Degrees, for deserving and capable AEWs from the Department of Agriculture (DA), SUCs, and Local Government Units (LGUs) to pursue higher education, specifically graduate degree programs on agriculture, fishery, and related multi-disciplinary course programs.

  • Non-Degree Programs - these programs are non-academic and may include customized and client-specific short courses as well as international training, conferences, symposia, and seminars related to agriculture and fisheries extension Training and Development.

  • Thesis/Dissertation Assistance - this type of assistance is given to AEWs who are pursuing postgraduate studies, either MS or PhD degrees, and are in need of financial support to conduct their required thesis or dissertation. 

            The provision of grants shall include the following priority researchable areas as identified by the DA and ATI:

  1. Post-Harvest Management - Post-harvest Operations, Value Addition, Storage, Processing, Packaging, Grading and Quality Improvement
  2. Markets and Marketing - Size of Demand, Quantity, Farm consolidation/Integration Impact Evaluation, Economies of Scale
  3. Sustainable Agriculture - Soil and Land Management, Nutrient Management, Use of Fertilizers, Crop and Livestock Integration
  4. Plant Genetic Resources - Conservation, Management, Utilization, Improvement, Breeding (Conventional Breeding & Molecular Breeding)
  5. Seed Systems and Pathology - Seed Health Testing, Seed Treatment
  6. Pests and Disease of Crops, Livestock, and Fisheries - Resistance/Tolerance: Fall Armyworm, Panama Disease in the Banana Industry Health and African Swine Fever
  7. Crop and Livestock Improvement - Genetic Material/ Introduction, Improvement, Selection
  8. Precision Agriculture - Digital Agriculture, Climate-resilient Agriculture
  9. Extension Education - Digital Learning, Social Entrepreneurship, Nutrition Sensitive Agriculture
  10. Evaluation/Impact Studies - Results-Based Monitoring and Evaluation (RBME) and Policy Studies
  11. Aquaculture and Fisheries


The ATI likewise supports Educational/Field Visit Assistance through a cost-sharing scheme where the Institute shoulders the food and accommodation expenses of participants, while the proponent covers their transportation expenses/ allowance, including entrance fees if applicable.