ATI Empowers Training Centers to Develop Comprehensive Extension, Training Commodity Roadmap

Fri, 06/28/2024 - 17:20

The Agricultural Training Institute (ATI) conducted two (2) batches of coaching and mentoring sessions for its Regional Task Force Teams to develop extension and training roadmaps for priority commodities for F.Y. 2026-2030. 

During the activity, Dr. Evelyn Aro-Esquejo, an expert in agricultural extension and planning and former ATI Assistant Director, facilitated the workshops aimed at capacitating the participants to lead regional roadmapping efforts, involving key commodity and extension stakeholders along the value chain. 

"Be a trailblazer; inspire them to follow your lead. Let that be your challenge" Esquejo urged.

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In the presentation of outputs, ATI Assistant Director Antonieta Arceo stressed the importance of leveraging existing frameworks like the Provincial Commodity Investment Plans (PCIPs) and Commodity Industry Roadmaps to identify gaps and opportunities as well as anchor efforts to the Department of Agriculture’s goals and thrusts. 

She highlighted the importance of data-driven planning, stating, "The strategies and programs must always be grounded in identified gaps and data." 

Moreover, Director Remelyn R. Recoter emphasized aligning extension roadmaps with regional priorities and enhancing ATI workforce’s competencies to meet evolving challenges.

She stressed, "We must adapt to changing times, elevate our efforts, and achieve greater heights."

Moving forward, ATI shall validate the indicative commodity roadmap outputs with various industry and extension stakeholders to craft a more detailed and inclusive roadmap for priority commodities at the regional level. 

Additionally, a National Extension and Training Roadmap for Priority Commodities for F.Y. 2026-2030 will harmonize regional roadmaps and align with national directives.

The coaching and mentoring sessions were conducted by the Policy and Planning Division in two batches: the Visayas and Mindanao Cluster from April 2-4, 2024 (Aklan) and the Luzon Cluster from June 4-6, 2024 (Quezon City). Participants included Regional Commodity Task Force Teams comprising ATI Assistant Center Directors, Partnerships and Accreditation Section (PAS) Chiefs, Planning Officers, and Commodity Focals.

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