DILIMAN, Quezon City—The Agricultural Training Institute (ATI), through its Partnerships and Accreditation Division (PAD), conducted the second session of the “A Break to Educate: an information session on ATI Operations and other Engagements” last May 18, 2022 at the Rural Development Education Center (RDEC) Function Hall of ATI Central Office (CO).
The activity consists of a series of knowledge-sharing sessions that aims to update ATI-CO staff about about the programs, projects, and activities of the Institute, including some relevant institutional engagements and trainings attended by ATI staff.
For this session, Joshua Ace Marco of ATI-PAD shared his learnings from the training on Press Release Writing. These include basic news writing, development of news stories, and pitfalls to avoid. It was followed by the presentation of Jonas Pernia of ATI’s Information Services Division, and Jessabel De Guzman of the ATI Assistant Director’s Office regarding the training on Photo Journalism. They discussed the importance, goal, characteristics, and the four phases of photo journalism. Lastly Carmina De Mesa of ATI-PAD shared her experiences and knowledge from KOICA-KNU Master’s Degree Program in High Value-Added Agriculture for ASEAN.
Addressing the participants and knowledge sharer’s, ATI’s OIC Assistant Director Antonieta J. Arceo remarked that knowledge stored becomes static knowledge and will never grow; hence, knowledge stored doesn’t create any value at all if not shared.