DA-ATI, JAEC reaffirm partnership, enhance YFFLTPJ implementation

Fri, 05/20/2022 - 20:45

TOKYO, JAPAN – The Department of Agriculture – Agricultural Training Institute (DA-ATI) reaffirmed its partnership with the Japan Agricultural Exchange Council (JAEC) and Philippine Embassy in Tokyo to enhance the implementation of the Young Filipino Farm Leaders Training Program in Japan (YFFLTPJ).

“Maintaining an open and mutually beneficial relationship is vital in ensuring program sustainability and greater collaboration,” said Dr. Rosana P. Mula, Director of DA-ATI, during the JAEC Annual Meeting in Tokyo, Japan last May 19, 2022.

The meeting served as a venue to discuss relevant issues, recommendations, and plans for the enhancement of the YFFLTPJ as well as the Safe Vegetable Production Technology Dissemination (SAVERS) and Farmers Vegetable Distribution System Improvement Project (FIVPS), which are due for implementation this year.

Representatives from JAEC led by its Executive Director Ryoji Sakamoto, Agricultural Attache Jose C. Laquian and Agricultural Officer Marc A. Leuterio from the Philippine Embassy in Tokyo attended the meeting. Joining them from JAEC were Secretary-General Takashi Yoshikawa ; Operations Division Director Toshihiro Shimizu, ; Ms. Nozomi Kaneko; Mr. Hiroaki Veno; Mr. Shota Kubotera; and Ms. Megumi Oyama.

Dr. Mula presented other commodity areas of importance for Philippine agriculture namely livestock and dairy, fishery and aquatic resources including the improvement of their value chain system.  Other concerns were also discussed such as the possible extension of the program from training to internship to ensure a higher rate of technology adoption among the trainees as well as the increase in the trainees’ financial support during their stay in Japan.

The YFFLTPJ is part of the Memorandum of Mutual Understanding (MoMU) signed by and between the JAEC and DA-ATI, which will end in April 2023. As agreed, the MoMU will be renewed with the integration of some of the recommendations discussed in the said meeting.

The partnership of DA-ATI and JAEC is rooted in the mutual agreement between the two countries to train and provide opportunities for deserving young Filipino farmers to gain knowledge and skills on Japanese modern agricultural technologies and advancement which can help achieve economic stability in the agriculture sector and food security in the Philippines. 

A series of operational monitoring and evaluation of the trainees and their respective host entities was conducted during the official visit of DA-ATI in Japan to assess the ongoing issues and concerns, document best practices, and improve operational methodologies of the program. 
