DILIMAN, Quezon City—With its continued practice of transparency and full disclosure of information to its clientele and the public, the Agricultural Training Institute (ATI) receives another certification as “fully compliant” with the Freedom of Information (FOI) program of the national government.
Signed by Secretary and FOI Champion Jose Ruperto Martin Andanar, the certificate of compliance was issued by the Presidential Communications Operations Office (PCOO) to the ATI for its FOI efforts in 2021.
This is in accordance with the requirements set by the Inter-Agency Task Force on the Harmonization of National Government Performance Monitoring Information, and Reporting Systems, also known as Task Force Administrative Order 25, s. 2011. The requirements include an updated FOI Agency Manual and reports for 2021.
The FOI manual details the Institute’s internal guidelines and defines the roles and responsibilities of designated agency personnel. The FOI reports consist of the inventory, registry, and summary of the number of FOI requests and appeals received and processed by the agency.
These documents were uploaded on the ATI official website, through the transparency seal, as required by the task force.
This three-time recognition from the PCOO is seen to enhance the Institute’s efforts to continually provide accurate and truthful information on the agriculture and fisheries sector.
For more details on the ATI’s FOI manual and reports, visit https://ati2.da.gov.ph/ati-main/content/transparency-seal.