The contract for the Provision of General Cleaning and Preventive Maintenance of Air conditioning Units at the ATI Main Building for 2023 has been awarded to TOP PREMIERE ENTERPRISE with a contract amount of Php 110,000.00.
Notice of Award for the Provision of General Cleaning and Preventive Maintenance of Air conditioning Units at the ATI Main Building for 2023
Notice of Award for the Provision of Adobe Creative Cloud All Apps Annual Subscription for official use of Agricultural Training Institute especially on development of various multi-media products and materials
The contract for the Provision of Adobe Creative Cloud All Apps Annual Subscription for official use of Agricultural Training Institute especially on development of various multi-media products and materials has been awarded to FIRST DATACORP with a contract amount of Php 1,410,200.00.
Provision of Catering Services to be served during the conduct of the Module and Facilitator's Guide Writeshop on Coconut Hybrid Seed Production on July 3-7, 2023 at the New Coconut Seed Production Center, Aroman, Carmen, Cotabato
The Agricultural Training Institute (ATI) invites interested suppliers to submit quotation/proposals for the hereunder requirements:
Provision of Catering Services to be served during the conduct of the Module and Facilitator's Guide Writeshop on Coconut Hybrid Seed Production on July 3-7, 2023 at the New Coconut Seed Production Center, Aroman, Carmen, Cotabato.
Notice of Award for the Supply and Delivery of Hydraulic Programmed Paper Cutter to be used in the development of corporate and techno based IEC materials
The contract for the Supply and Delivery of Hydraulic Programmed Paper Cutter to be used in the development of corporate and techno based IEC materials has been awarded to GAKKEN PHILIPPINES INC. with a contract amount of Php 797,777.00.
Notice of Award for the Provision of Catering Services to be served during the conduct of Food Safety Assessment on June 20-23, 2023 at ATI Training Hall, Elliptical Road, Diliman, Quezon City
The contract for the Provision of Catering Services to be served during the conduct of Food Safety Assessment on June 20-23, 2023 at ATI Training Hall, Elliptical Road, Diliman, Quezon City has been awarded to PUNO FOOD SERVICES with a contract amount of Php 98,750.00.
Supply and Delivery of Polo shirt and ID lace to be used during the Pre-departure Course of the Filipino Young Farmers Internship Program in Taiwan (FYFIPT) Batch 3 at ATI, Elliptical Road, Diliman, Quezon City
The Agricultural Training Institute (ATI) invites interested suppliers to submit quotation/proposals for the hereunder requirements:
Supply and Delivery of Polo shirt and ID lace to be used during the Pre-departure Course of the Filipino Young Farmers Internship Program in Taiwan (FYFIPT) Batch 3 at ATI, Elliptical Road, Diliman, Quezon City.
Budget for the Contract = PHP 69,972...
Supply and Delivery Tokens to be distributed to the Resource Persons as a sign of appreciation for the services they provided during the conduct of the Module Development Writeshop of CFIDP Modules on July and August 2023
The Agricultural Training Institute (ATI) invites interested suppliers to submit quotation/proposals for the hereunder requirements:
Supply and Delivery Tokens to be distributed to the Resource Persons as a sign of appreciation for the services they provided during the conduct of the Module Development Writeshop of CFIDP Modules on July and August 2023.
Budget for the Contract =...
The contract for the PROCUREMENT OF AGRICULTURAL SEEDS, SUPPLIES AND EQUIPMENT (LOT 1: Seeds & Lot 3: Grow Kits) has been awarded to GREEN OPTIONS AGRICULTURAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL BUSINESS CENTER with a contract amount of Php 1,466,642.50.
Notice of Award for the Food and Accommodation to be used during the eLearning Course Development and Packaging Workshop on June 19-23, 2023 in Cebu
The contract for the Food and Accommodation to be used during the eLearning Course Development and Packaging Workshop on June 19-23, 2023 in Cebu has been awarded to ONE CENTRAL HOTEL AND SUITES CORP. with a contract amount of Php 250,000.00.
Notice of Award for the Provision of catering services to be served during the conduct of the Consultative Meeting with the National Executive Board for LeMMCAP and FHExAP on June 14-16, 2023 at the Training Hall
The contract for the Provision of catering services to be served during the conduct of the Consultative Meeting with the National Executive Board for LeMMCAP and FHExAP on June 14-16, 2023 at the Training Hall has been awarded to PUNO FOOD SERVICES with a contract amount of Php 106,000.00.