Agricultural Extension Workers Complete Training on GMP for Jackfruit Post-Harvest Handling and Primary Processing

Thu, 06/20/2024 - 13:17
Agricultural Extension Workers Complete Training on GMP for Jackfruit Post-Harvest Handling and Primary Processing

BAYBAY CITY, Leyte – Agricultural Training Institute – Regional Training Center 8 successfully conducted the three-day training on Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) for Jackfruit Post-Harvest Handling and Primary Processing on June 5-7, 2024 at the Balay Alumni of the Visayas State University in Baybay City, Leyte.

Thirty agricultural extension workers from Eastern Visayas attended the training. With jackfruit having various postharvest losses, this training equipped jackfruit growers with sufficient knowledge on jackfruit postharvest, processing, tools and equipment handling, and familiarized facilities vital in marketing jackfruit products.

The training included both lectures and practical sessions. Through the lectures, participants gained a comprehensive understanding of good manufacturing practices, food safety, and food hygiene. It also emphasized the importance of Sanitation Standard Operating Procedures (SSOPs).

Participants expressed particular interest in the concept of primary processing. They learned various strategies to extend the shelf life of fresh-cut jackfruit, techniques for controlling jackfruit latex, and methods to prevent discoloration. The concept of blanching was especially well-received; participants were thrilled to learn that simple blanching could not only prolong the shelf life of freshly cut jackfruit but also control latex and prevent microbial activity responsible for jackfruit deterioration.

“It is a very nice training indeed.” said Mr. Socrates Patosa, Jr. He appreciated the application of GMP in the post-harvest handling and primary processing of jackfruit. “We will share all the learnings, experience, and knowledge that were imparted by our Resource Persons to our jackfruit farmers. With the procedures on primary processing of jackfruit, we can assure the good quality and safety of the food product,” he added.

The training was a resounding success, achieving its objectives of enhancing participants' knowledge and skills in jackfruit primary processing. Participants expressed their gratitude for the additional knowledge and updated information they gained, which they are eager to share with jackfruit farmers in their respective localities. As part of their re-entry plans, the participants intend to re-echo the training in their respective Local Government Units (LGUs).
