A&F Extension Policies

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This section compiles the Mandates, Circulars, and issuances on the Agriculture and Fisheries Extension with the Agricultural Training Institute as the lead implementing agency in behalf of the Department of Agriculture.


01. Commonwealth Act No. 85 
An Act to Create the Positions of Provincial Agricultural Supervisors and Local Agricultural Supervisors and to Amend the Revised Administrative Code Accordingly
02. Republic Act (RA) No.  680
An act creating a Bureau of Agricultural Extension defining its powers, duties, and functions and providing appropriations therefore
03. Republic Act No. 3844 Agricultural Land Reform Code
04. Republic Act No. 5185  An act granting autonomous powers to local governments” or the “Decentralization Act of 1967
05. Republic Act No. 7160 Local Government Code of the Philippines of 1991
06. Republic Act No. 7607  Magna Carta of Small Farmers
07. Republic Act No. 8435 Agriculture and Fisheries Modernization Act (AFMA) of 1997
08. Republic Act No. 8550  The Philippine Fisheries Code of 1998
09. Republic Act No. 9710 Magna Carta of Women
10. Republic Act No. 10068 Organic Agriculture Act of 2010
11. Republic Act No. 10601 Agricultural and Fisheries Mechanization Law
12. Republic Act No. 10816  Farm Tourism Development Act of 2016
13. Republic Act No. 11203  Rice Tariffication Law
14. Republic Act No. 11291 Magna Carta for the Poor
15. Republic Act No. 11321 Sagip Saka Act


01. Executive Order No. 128, Series of 1968 
Providing for the Implementing Details of Republic Act Numbered 5185, otherwise known as the Decentralization Act of 1967, insofar as the Relationship of the Field Agricultural Extension Work of the Local Governments and the National Government is Concerned
02. Executive Order No. 116, Series of 1987 
Renaming the Ministry of Agriculture and Food as Ministry of Agriculture, Reorganizing its Units; Integrating All Offices and Agencies Whose Functions Relate to Agriculture and Fishery Into the Ministry and for other Purposes
03. Executive Order No. 292, Series of 1987 Administrative Code of 1987
04. Executive Order No. 338, Series of 2001 
Restructuring the Department of Agriculture, Providing Funds Therefor, and for Other Purposes
05. Executive Order No. 366, Series of 2004 
Directing a Strategic Review of the Operations and Organizations of the Executive Branch and Providing Options and Incentives for Government Employees who may be Affected by the Rationalization of the Functions and Agencies of the Executive Branch
06. Executive Order No. 801, Series of 2009 
Encouraging local government units (LGUs) to adopt the Techno Gabay in their Agricultural Extension Programs and the concerned government agencies to provide the required assistance for the purpose


01. AO No. 6, Series of 1998  Implementing Rules and Regulations Pursuant to AFMA or Republic Act 8435
02. DA AO No. 42, Series of 1999 
Guidelines in Planning, Implementing, Monitoring and Evaluating Extension Programs for Agriculture and Fisheries Modernization Implementing Rules and Regulations Pursuant to Republic Act 8435
03. DA AO No. 9, Series of 2002 
Designating the Agricultural Training Institute as the National Secretariat and overall coordinator in the management and supervision of the revitalization and sustaining activities of Rural-Based Organization
04. DA AO No. 14, Series of 2005 
Shift in the Role of the Agricultural Training Institute (ATI) as an Indirect Provider of Extension Services
05. DA AO No. 13, Series of 2005 The National Extension Agenda and Programs (NEAP)
06. DA Department Order No. 03, Series of 2007 
Designating the Agricultural Training Institute as Lead Agency for the Provision of e-Extension Services
07. DA AO No. 22, Series of 2008 
Implementing Rules and Regulations on the Accreditation of Private Extension Service Providers (ESPs) for the Provision of Extension Services
08. DA AO No. 24, Series of 2008 
Rules and Regulations Implementing the DA Administrative Order No. 11, Series of 2007 on the Provision of Extension Grants
09. DA AO No. 28, Series of 2008 
Designating ATI as Apex Agency for a Unified and Efficient Agriculture and Fisheries Extension System
10. DA AO No. 10, Series of 2011 
Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) on the Parameters, Modes, Guidelines, and Mechanisms for Co-financing Agreements (CFA) with Local Government Units (LGUs) in Financing Agriculture and Fisheries Extension (AFE) Projects per RA 8435
11. DA AO No. 11, Series of 2012 
Implementing Rules and Regulations on the Accreditation of Private Organic Agriculture Extension Service Providers (OA ESPs)
12. Joint AO No. 01, Series of  2012 
Guidelines in the Development of Agriculture and Fisheries Extension Programs by State Universities and Colleges
13. Joint AO No. 01, Series of 2013 
Extension Full Support to the Local Agricultural and Fishery Councils (AFCs) as Private Sector Partners in the Implementation of Local Development Policies, Plans and Programs and Reiteration of DILG memorandum circulars 97-271 and 98-200 RE: LGU Participation in the AFCs and of the AFCs in the Local Development Councils
14. DA AO No. 22, Series 2013 Guidelines on the Grant of Honoraria for AFE Services
15. DepEd Order No. 36, Series of 2015 Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) of Republic Act 10618
16. AO No. 12, Series of 2015 
The National Extension Agenda and Programs (NEAP) and the Agriculture and Fisheries Extension (AFE) Strategic Plan for Fiscal Year 2017-2022
17. AO No. 02, Series of 2016 
Implementing Policies, Guidelines, and Procedures for the Establishment and Operations of the Agricultural and Fisheries Mechanization Research, Development and Extension Network (AFMECHRDEN)
18. AO No. 09, Series of 2016 
Implementing Rules and Regulations on Accreditation of Private Organic Agriculture Extension Service Providers (OA ESPS )
19. DA Department Order No. 07, Series of 2017 
Designating the Agricultural Training Institute as Lead Agency in Developing and Coordinating a Food Safety Regulation Training Program for the Department of Agriculture
20. DA Department Order No. 05, Series of 2018 
General Guidelines and Procedure for the Operation of the Regional Research and Development, Extension Network (RRDEN) for Agriculture and Fisheries
21. DA AO No. 01, Series of 2019 
Harmonization and Strengthening the Training and Development Activities on Agri-Fisheries Mechanization
22. DA AO Circular No. 05, Series of 2019 
Institutionalization of the Farmer’s and Fisherfolk’s Organizations or Associations’ Participation in the Procurement of Goods and Civil Works Pertaining to the Needs of the Farmers and Fisher Folks


1. Memorandum Reference No. 2016-01-33 
Guidelines in Operationalizing the Big Brother-Small Brother Partnership Extension Model for Farm Tourism
2. Memorandum Reference No. M16-06-246 
Guidelines in the Creation, Strengthening and Institutionalization of ATI – Training Centers Gender and Development Focal Point System (GFPS)
3. Memorandum Reference No. M17-03-114 Guidelines in the Operationalization of ATI TIER 2 Program for 2017
4. Memorandum Reference No. M17-02-64 Guidelines on the Implementation of Extension Support to Training
5. Memorandum Reference No. M17-02-74 
Guidelines on the Enhancement of Farmers’ Information Technology Services (FITS) Centers Under the Rice Crop Manager (RCM)
6. Memorandum Reference No. M17-03-130 
Guideline in the Implementation of Scholarship Program on Continuing Education for the Youth
7. Memorandum Reference No. M17-01-127 
Dissemination of Electronic Copy of the Agriculture and Fisheries Extension Grant System
8. Memorandum Reference No. M17-05-232 
Adoption of Revised Guidelines in the Establishment of Learning Sites and Schools for Practical Agriculture
9. Memorandum Reference No. M17-06-279 
Guidelines on the Crafting of Agricultural and Fisheries Extension Operational Plans or AFE Oplan
10. Memorandum Reference No. M17-12-671 
Guidelines in the Institutionalization of the Agriculture and Fisheries Extension (AFE) Results-Based Monitoring and Evaluation (RBME) System
11. Memorandum Reference No. M18-03-114 
Guidelines in the Operationalization of the Extension Program for Agri-Fisheries and National Development (ExPAND): Increasing Productivity of Farmers and Fishers Through Agriculture and Fisheries Extension (AFE) Grants
12. Memorandum Reference No. M18-04-155 
Guidelines on the Implementation of Specialized Training Courses for Local Farmer Technicians
13. Memorandum Reference No. M18-04-153 
Guidelines on the Implementation of the Enhancement of Farmers’ Information Technology Services Centers and Magsasaka Siyentista
14. Memorandum Reference No. M18-04-154 
Adoption of Revised ATI Strategic Performance Management System (SPMS) Implementing Guidelines
15. Memorandum Reference No. M18-09-398 
Guidelines on the Operationalization of the Regional Agriculture and Fisheries Extension Network Output Monitoring and Information System (RAFEN-OMIS)
16. Memorandum Reference No. 62 
Revised Guidelines on the Institutionalization of the Agriculture and Fisheries Extension (AFE) Results-Based Monitoring and Evaluation (RBME) System
17. Memorandum Reference No. M19-03-133 
Implementation of the Agriculture and Fisheries Extension (AFE) Results-Based Monitoring and Evaluation (RBME) System for FY 2019
18. Memorandum Reference No. M19-04-171 
Revised Guidelines on the Agriculture and Fisheries Extension Cost Standards for Training and Training-Related Activities
19. Memorandum Reference No. 2019-04-181 Dissemination of the ATI Performance Indicator Manual